Issues with DRS

Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)

The Division of Rehabilitation Services, often called DRS, is a state agency that helps people with disabilities get ready for, find, and keep jobs. DRS has a program called Vocational Rehabilitation or “VR” services, which can help you find a job or pay for training, equipment, and other services to help you get ready to work.

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Division of Rehabilitation Services FAQ

Learn about the help you can get from DRS and its VR services. 

DRS can help you with:

  • Deciding what kind of job you want.
  • Helping to pay for college or trade schools.
  • Applying for jobs.
  • Paying for equipment that you need for work.
  • Getting ready for job interviews.

DRS can also answer your questions about applying for and getting a job.

You can ask for help from DRS if you have a disability. To do this, you can ask for DRS services online or contact the closest DRS office to your home.

To find the office closest to you, go to and select “Rehabilitation Services” from the menu. Then enter the county you live in. You can also call 1-877-581-3690 or fill out an online application at

After you ask for DRS services, somebody will call you back. This person will be your counselor who will help you set up your first appointment to finish the application. During this meeting, you will talk about your job goals, your disability, and the things DRS can help you with.

Before you go to your meeting, think about your goals. It helps to write them down. Think about the kind of school or training you want and what kind of job you want.

When you go to the meeting, bring your goals and proof of your disability like medical records. If you get SSI or SSDI, bring a letter from the Social Security Administration showing how much money you get.

In some cases, DRS may tell you that it cannot give you a service that you asked for or send you a letter telling you that it is closing your case. If DRS tells you that it cannot help you or makes another decision that you disagree with, you can appeal. You only have 30 days from the date that DRS told you about the decision to make your appeal. Find out more about appeals at

You can also contact Equip for Equality’s Independent Client Assistance Program (or CAP team) for help if DRS makes a decision you don’t agree with or if DRS does not respond to you at all.

The Independent Client Assistance Program (CAP) is a program at Equip for Equality that helps DRS customers who have problems with DRS. CAP can help you get the DRS services you need and file an appeal if DRS says it will not help you.

You should call CAP if:

  • Your counselor does not return your phone calls or emails.
  • Your counselor is not helping you with your goals.
  • You asked for help to go to school, and your counselor said no.
  • You want help with making an appeal because you do not agree with what your counselor is doing.
  • You want a lawyer to help you with an appeal hearing with DRS so you can get the help you are asking for.

Go to the DRS website at DRS is part of the Illinois Department of Social Service.

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