Resources for Professionals

Resources for professionals

Equip for Equality’s attorneys and independent monitors have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the last 40 years. Below are reports, fact sheets, and other documents for professionals.

Publications by Equip for Equality

As the Protection & Advocacy System for the state of Illinois, Equip for Equality is granted “access authority,” which we use to enter facilities when investigating allegations of abuse and neglect. Often, when investigations are completed, we issue a public report.

See all publications and reports

Systemic Litigation

Choose a case to the right to find information on the class action litigation cases handled by Equip for Equality.  You can read fact sheets to get an overview of each case, the complaints filed with courts that initiated the legal proceedings, and other supporting legal documents.

Colbert v. Pritzker

Community Integration Case on Behalf of People in Nursing Homes in Cook County.

Ligas v. Eagleson

Community Integration Case on Behalf of People with Developmental Disabilities in Illinois.

Williams v. Pritzker

Community Integration Case on Behalf of People with Mental Illness in Illinois.

Portrait of a smiling black man

Your Rights Matter

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