Stop abuse, neglect, & poor quality services
You have the right to be free from abuse, neglect, poor quality services and exploitation no matter where you live or get services.

Independent Monitoring
Our independent monitors help people with disabilities by going to the places where they live and get services to make sure they are treated well. We investigate abuse and neglect where it happens and try to stop from happening again to anyone else.
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You have the right to be safe no matter where you are. Pick a place or problem below to learn more.
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
- Stop Abuse, Neglect, & Poor Quality Services
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Abuse & Neglect Quick FAQs
What is abuse?
There are a lot of different kinds of abuse, including:
- Physical abuse, like hitting, pushing or kicking someone.
- Emotional abuse, like threatening, yelling at or being mean to someone.
- Sexual abuse, like forcing or tricking someone to do something sexual.
- Financial abuse, like taking someone’s money or things.
- Isolation, like stopping someone from talking to other people or getting help.
What is neglect?
Neglect is not giving someone the care they need to be healthy or safe, including:
- Not taking someone to see a doctor if they are sick.
- Not giving someone enough food or not noticing if they lose a lot of weight.
- Not following plans to help keep someone.
- Leaving someone alone when there should be staff there.
- Not protecting someone when another person is abusing them.
What is financial exploitation?
Financial exploitation is when someone uses someone else’s money, things, or information for themselves or against the other person’s benefit.
Some examples include:
- Stealing or misusing their checks, credit cards or money
- Faking their signature
- Forcing or tricking them into signing things like checks, contracts, or legal documents
- Taking their things without permission
- Misusing a power of attorney for their own gain